THE REVIVAL is a summit to inspire, uplift, and support you in activating your gifts, empowerment, and ancestral magic with leading experts, healers, teachers, authors & mentors.

Reclamation of Ancestral wisdom allows you to embrace all parts of yourself - to celebrate the light and magic within you and to heal the wounds of the past and what has been hidden in the dark - this allows you to fully experience your empowered and true self. This deep connection helps you feel more intimately connected to yourself, others, and the world around you. We are here to guide you through this personal journey as we explore our roots together.



Ancestral connection is not just about digging up problems of the past — it’s a process of reviving, remembering, and reactivating the wisdom of the past to live fully in the present and create a better future for us all.

Your Ancestors are more than just your relatives. They are the forces of goodness that are working in your favor. When you activate your Ancestral power, you’ll live with more gratitude, health, wealth, and empowerment!

At this time we find ourselves in, it is our divine responsibility to shape the beauty we wish to see in the world.


You're not alone. That's why we created THE REVIVAL — for you to activate true power and live with gratitude!

Hi there, I'm Christine Olivia Hernandez!

A second-generation immigrant, navigating my diverse heritage used to be a struggle until I connected with Mayan cacao. It took many years, but I learned there was so much more beauty to my ancestry beyond what I had seen harmfully represented or had been nearly forgotten. Going on the path of reviving my cultural heritage inspired me to reclaim my ancestral magic.

Now, via THE REVIVAL and Remember Your Roots book being published July 9th, I help others just like you revive our shared ancestral power. This can happen for you by seeing a Native dancer, hearing a talk on connecting with your Ancestral foods, or hearing a song from a lineage different than your own but activating something deep in your bones.

I created The United Collective to uplift and amplify the voices of resilient, extraordinary people. As a Collective, we believe in empowering each other so that we can live with confidence, abundance, and purpose, which is our birthright. By coming together for the third offering of THE REVIVAL, you get to experience now what your ancestors dreamed of. Your voice matters, and your stories matter!

You are meant to leave a positive legacy and build a more beautiful future. I’m so grateful to have you here. Welcome!

Gain priceless wisdom



Meet the Facilitators of Our Event

Marilu Shinn

Opening the Four Sacred Directions according to the Andean Cosmo-vision

Amy Taylor

Guided by Your Bones: A Somatic Journey to Embody Your Medicine

Azimah Azmi

Rooting to Mother Earth Wisdom: A Movement Medicine Journey

Aux Na

“Soul Marketing” to Quantumly Align to the Soul of Your Service

Luke Kohen

Shadow Work 101 & the Psychology of Conscious Evolution

Ann Nguyen

How to Connect with Your Ancestral Pleasure

Haley Tialisa

Decolonising Spirituality

Anne-Claire Meret

Awakening the Power Within: Unlocking Financial Abundance from the Heart

Farrah Roberts

Frequency Upgrade Sound Healing Ceremony

Sabrina Vedete Elmaliah

Self-Love & Sacred Initiation 

Bruriyah de Leon

Unapologetic Prosperity: Tap Into the Infinite Supply of Abundance That is Your Birthright 

Vanessa Codorniu

Rising in Abundance & Visibility through Ancestral Hypnosis Healing & Ancestral Inca Medicine

Heidi Rojas

Music Meditation

Luke Monteleone

Divine Mission of Sacred Union

Georgina Juarez

Reclaiming la Hija Salvage

Sam Rea

Paving Pathways: Embodying Confidence as First-Gen Change Makers

Amanda Sevilla

Unearthing Your Buried Roots

Rose Heartsong

Mary Magdalene & the Sacred Return to Love

Natalia Price

Embodied Ritual Leadership

Nicole Pemberton

Return to The Womb

Nicole Zimmermann

Somatic Self Love: A Journey of Remembrance through the Body, the  Voice and the Breath

Isis Indriya

Communion with a Sacred Way of Life

Jose Rodriguez

Integrating the Masculine & Feminine to Access our True Potential

Numana Joy (Allie McFee)

Ancestral Womb Clearing: a somatic ceremony to release womb trauma and embody your ancestral inheritance of creativity and vitality

Sofiah Thom

Embodying the Sacred Marriage and Living on Purpose

Abiola Abrams

How to Manifest from Imagination to Reality

Nicole Nyima Costerus

How to Protect & Cleanse Your Energy

Alexandra Carelli

Awaken our True Nature through Dreams

Torie Feldman

Heal Your Lineage: How to Connect to Your Ancestral Gifts

Jessica Mendivil

The Ancestral Power of Grieving, Dancing & Healing

Panquetzani Ticitl

Vaginal Steams Postpartum

Tara MĂ©i

Year of the Dragon: Inspiration for the Visionaries & Architects of Collective Destiny

Kate Murphy

Summer Solstice & Seasonal Sacred Strategy

Stephanie Martinez-James

Reclaiming and Liberating your Sacred Sensuality: A workshop on Womb Healing and Somatic Connection as a pathway to pleasure

Luis and Trini Rodriguez

History of the Americas

Melissa Ruiz

New Earth Abundance

Nisha Moodley

Gathering Ancestral Gifts In Service of Your Sacred Work

Antoinette Aurell

Introduction to the Channeling Master Crystal

Eric Hernandez

Native Hoop Dance

Hector "Puma" Garcia

Whispers of the Wind: Native Flute Sounds

Tony Duncan

Native Hoop Dance

What Participants Have Said About THE REVIVAL

Truly a an awe-inspiring blessing to experience! I've never seen such an empowering group of healers gather and create community in sharing their ancestral knowledge and their gifts with others as a means of support and inspiration. I am wholeheartedly grateful to have experienced such validating wisdom & energy with other beautiful souls, who shared their inspiring knowledge of grounding healing practices that reconnect us with Pachamama. Eternally grateful, Tlazocamati, hermana, Christine Olivia for cultivating this sacred healing container.

Christine Fernandez

I cannot say enough about the Revival event. First, I must talk about the felt safety in the container in spite it being virtual. Christine moved through the program thoughtfully and lovingly. The speakers! Where do I begin. Every single one of them gave you a nugget that then the next built on. At the end I was left feeling cracked open and deeply connected to myself, source, and most importantly- my ancestors. I did a healing session yesterday and my ancestors presence was immediate, something I have not felt in this way before. There were so many activations throughout the three days, that I am still integrating. So thankful for this beautiful community. Gracias! 

Carmen Ruiz-Andreasen 

Participating in THE REVIVAL was a soul call. I am grateful to be living in this blessing. The keys for manifesting my embodied purpose were waiting for me in this container. Each speaker brought forth a uniquely rich transmission that contributed to the whole with powerful depth, beauty, and grace. This was a special experience that I will continue to return to as I integrate the practices and teachings. My heart feels met, encouraged, and welcomed to prosper in service to life and love. Thank you to my brothers and sisters. I celebrate our collective awakening 🫶




  • Revive Your Ancestral Wisdom
  • Re-Indigenize and decolonize your mind, body, and spirit
  • Reclaim your Magic and History 
  • How to create true balance between your masculine and feminine energy
  • How to thrive in your spiritual business
  • Sensitivity: Owning Your Gifts
  • Creative Alchemy: How to use art as a tool for healing and transformation
  • Natural Birthing for the Modern Primal Woman 
  • Claiming the power of your authentic voice
  • Cross-cultural rituals
  • Ancestral Healing Workshops
  • Personal development sessions
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Creativity workshops by renowned artists
  • Entrepreneurial guidance from experts
  • How to cultivate generational wealth

…and so much more.


I don't know where to begin, it seems I cannot find the correct words. First and foremost thank you to Christine for being such a pillar of light and angelic being. I'm a latino womban, I'm a single mother to my 6 year old daughter at 27 and I'm involved and deeply connected to Cacao, holistic healing modalities, Acupuncture,
herbalism, shamanism, birth keeping, temazcal, tantric yoga and truly all art that expresses and celebrates humanity. I took 26 pages of hand written notes just within the first 2 days I tuned into the Revival. It was so exciting to get some quality time with the leaders that I follow online, the people putting out the frequency I resonate with. People who are passionate about supporting indigenous communities, about liberating our sexuality, liberating our souls, liberating our finances. 

Camila CĂłndor

I am truly so honored and grateful to be a part of the REVIVAL. As soon as I saw the offering, I answered the call, and I am eternally grateful that I did.
I feel this experience has truly pieced together parts of puzzle in such a profound way for everyone involved and onnn into the next generations!!!

Coming together to heal, to rise, and to alchemize pain into power in such a safe loving space.

This event has been absolutely phenomenal and for me personally I have been on this journey of remembering and returning to my roots, and up until this revival event, I didn't realize all I've been doing this whole time is re-indigenizing.

Having so many benevolent, divine beings together was absolutely incredible, and I am extremely grateful to have had the honor of being a part of this gathering. The divine wisdom and the codes that were shared are soooo potent, and infinite codes of remembrance, of returning to our roots. I feel this experience has inspired me to show up more in the world to share the medicine that I have come here to share; I feel this experience has cleared a block I've been having around being seen. This came from being surrounded by soul family / resonance-kin sharing ways to deconstruct the program, sharing techniques of how we can show up, how to protect our energy, and how coming together in community makes us stronger, and amplifies the vibration of what we're all doing, which is returning to our roots. Returning to our connection with the earth, to the source.

Children of the earth; Star dust
Reclaiming our divine birth right
And reclaiming our wild


When I first heard about The Revival, my initial response was a sense of excitement that a thirst that I had within me could finally be quenched. I was thirsting to feel connected to a community that I had yet to discover. To feeling connected to the roots of my ancestors. This path can often feel so lonely and I feel that I’ve had to piece together my learning and wisdom when it comes to spirituality and indigenous wisdom. I was so excited that The Revival was bringing together so many different aspects of indigenous wisdom and bundling it all together in this beautiful three day experience. Some of the speakers I had actually been following for years, so I was so excited to see the lineup!


I expected a lot of beautiful speakers, but what I could not have expected, was the profound level of energy and wisdom that was shared. The power behind the speakers, the wisdom that they were bringing forth into the world, and how much it would touch my heart I could not have foreseen. One of my favorite parts was playing some of the speakers out loud in my TV room so that my children could listen in as well!

The Revival is a place to come back to the wisdom that lives within us and that is trying to be rebirthed into this world. It’s a place to feel like you belong, and to feel inspired. My connection to my ancestors feels deeper. I feel like it’s finally time to integrate the ancient wisdom that we have all been feeling into this real world and I think that The Revival is a huge part of that mission!

THE REVIVAL is where you will celebrate Indigenous wisdom, connect to your roots, heal generational wounds, and access your magic.

At THE REVIVAL, you will break cycles of ancestral trauma and initiate transformative shifts in every dimension: financial, mental, physical, and spiritual.


This is a movement, a call for unity, and a fresh narrative for future generations.

We can change the world.

Are you ready?